Title format variables

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Title format variables

The variables that can be used in title format settings or when using notifications:


%artist - song artist (from the tag)

%title - song title (from the tag)

%casttitle - formatted track title for broadcasting (Notifications only; we recommend using it to send the current track title)

%album - album name (from the tag)

%year - year (from the tag)

%comment - comment (from the tag)

%lyrics - song lyrics (from the tag)

%albumartist - album artist (from the tag)

%composer - composer (from the tag)

%publisher - publisher (from the tag)

%copyright - copyright (from the tag)

%genre - song genre (from the tag)

%len - song duration (mm:ss)

%seconds - song duration in seconds

%startsec - song playback start position (seconds)

%endsec - song playback end position (seconds)

%playbackpos - playback position (mm:ss)

%playbackpossec - playback posiiton in seconds

%filename - song file name without path

%filename_ext - song file name with extension, without path

%filetype - file type of the playing track

%path - full file path

%playcount - play counter

%listeners - listener number (currently connected listeners)

%showname  -  name of the current program or show (set using the command set %showname=TEXT)

%bpm - playing track BPM

%rating - playing track rating (0..10)

%yyyy or %yy, %mm or %m, %dd or %d - current date

%hh or %h, %nn, %ss, %ampm - current time; if %ampm presents, the hour is displayed in 12 hour format, and %ampm is changed to AM or PM. %hp - hour in 12-hour format

%nextsong - next song title (as shown in the playlist)

%xmldata - current and (if enabled for the nowplaying file) next song information in XML form (Notifications only)

XML data example

%artwork - currently playing track artwork in PNG format, base64-encoded (Notifications only); recommended to use with POST request type because of large data size. The Save Artwork option must be enabled for this variable to work.

%user1 ... %user5 - custom user fields

%requestedmsg - requested song message when playing the requested song (Notifications only)

%temp, %humidity etc - all weather variables (change "?" to "%")


The title format string can include any number of the variables listed above along with any custom text or special characters.