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Navigation:  Operation > Advertisement Scheduler > Settings >




Working directory - select the folder where created playlists and events will be saved.


Pack all tracks into a container - pack all tracks in the ad block into a container.


Generate playlists for empty blocks - create playlists for blocks that do not have ads.

For empty blocks you can Include intro, Include outro, Include sweeper.


Extend priority range - allows to extend ads priority range from the default 1..9 to 1..99.


Grid - show number of ads in each cell - instead of a checkmark, show the number of ads in each block in the grid.


Save playlists as - select the format of the saved playlist. Preferably use m3u8 (default).


Playlist filename template - specify file template for created playlists.


Instance name - name Ads Scheduler instance, it will be displayed in the window title bar.


Profile name for reports - profile name that will be displayed in the generated ads reports.