Command Line Interface

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Command Line Interface

Playlist Generator Pro command line parameters


You can use the command line interface to automatically generate playlists and save them to a specified location.


Usage: PlaylistGeneratorPro.exe -preset=PRESET -out=PLAYLIST [-n=N]



-preset= specifies the preset name (multiple presets can be specified separated by "|")

-out= specifies the file name for saving the generated playlist (use a full path with the extension .m3u8)  (multiple file names, matching the preset number, can be specified separated by "|")

-n= how many playlists need to be generated (default = 1). If used, the -out option need to contain one of the modifiers: %n, %nn or %nnn (see below for more information)

-s= when using "-n", the -s option sets the starting number for playlist naming. Example: -s=5


Example: generate a playlist using the MyPreset preset and save it to C:\playlist.m3u8

PlaylistGeneratorPro.exe -preset=MyPreset -out=C:\playlist.m3u8


Warning: If the name of a present contains a space, parameters must be encased in quote marks:

PlaylistGeneratorPro.exe "-preset=My Preset" "-out=C:\Folder name\playlist.m3u8"


You can use the run command in the scheduler together with the command line interface to generate playlists and save them to a specific folder (for example, on a production machine). Unlike automatic playlist generation, doing that will only save a playlist but will not play it.


Example of such a scheduler event (note: there's no need to specify a full path to PlaylistGeneratorPro.exe program):

run PlaylistGeneratorPro.exe -preset=MyPreset -out=C:\playlist.m3u8


Generating multiple playlists in one run (-n option)


Note: when playlists are generated in batch, they share the same no-repeat buffer, which means it's possible to create several playlists for extended periods of time with no repeated tracks.



PlaylistGeneratorPro.exe -preset=MyPreset -out=C:\playlist_%nn.m3u8 -n=11


Warning: If a command is executed in a .bat file, the percent sign must be written twice:

PlaylistGeneratorPro.exe -preset=MyPreset -out=C:\playlist_%%nn.m3u8 -n=11


This command will generate 11 playlists and save them under the names:







File name modifiers:

%n - a number with no leading zeros (1, 2, ... 10, ... 100).

%nn - a number padded with one leading zero (01, 02, ..., 10, 100).

%nnn - a number padded with two leading zeroes (001, 002, ..., 010, 100)


Generating multiple playlists using multiple presets in one run


The following example creates 3 playlists using the Morning, Day and Evening presets and saving them to D:\Playlists\Morning.m3u8, D:\Playlists\Day.m3u8, and D:\Playlists\Evening.m3u8 respectively. This allows to prepare playlists in advance and then start them when needed.


Note: when playlists are generated in batch, they share the same no-repeat buffer, which means it's possible to create several playlists for extended periods of time with no repeated tracks.



PlaylistGeneratorPro.exe "-preset=Morning|Day|Evening" "-out=D:\Playlists\Morning.m3u8|Day.m3u8|Evening.m3u8"


You can specify the full path for the first playlist only; in this case, all playlists will be saved to the same folder. You can specify the full path for all playlists.