Scheduler commands

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Scheduler commands

List of available scheduler commands. With some exceptions, the same commands can be called from the Cart Wall or used directly in the playlist (menu Playlist -> Add command).


Note: The event window has a wizard that can enter most of the commands for you automatically. So most of the time, there is no need to enter commands manually.


Playback control



















playlist tab











scheduler on/off




















Ads Scheduler




Music Library













COM port





play X

Play track number X in the playlist


Stop playback


Pause playback

next [FadeOut] [CueNextOnEnd]

Proceed to the next track. If FadeOut parameter is specified, the currently playing track will be faded out for the duration specified (in milliseconds, 1 second = 1000 milliseconds). CueNextOnEnd modifier makes it wait for the fading to end, and after that next track will be played.


Example: start next track



Example: start next track and fade out the current track during two seconds

next 2000


Example: fade out current track for five seconds and start next track after fading ends

next 5000 CueNextOnEnd


Notice: "next" command with "CueNextOnEnd" modifier can be used in multiple action events as the first command, in this case it will be executed before the event is started; it only works for events with "Run scheduled launch without waiting for playing track to finish" option enabled.


Return to the previous track

run filename parameters

Launch any program or batch (.bat) file



run C:\dosomething.bat

run C:\AnyProgram.exe -switch1 -switch2

generate preset_name

Create a playlist from the playlist template called preset_name. For example, there is a template named “ROCK 2 Hours” (without quotes). To generate a playlist using that template, use the following command: generate Rock 2 hours

setvol x

Set the volume to X (0 to 100). For example, setvol 70. Moreover, you can specify the duration (in milliseconds) for the volume to reach the desired level (syntax: setvol X time_ms). For example, setvol 70 500 will set the volume level to 70 over a period of 0.5 second.

load filename

Load the filename file. The file can contain a profile (.prf), playlist (.m3u), or scheduler task list (.sdl). If the full pathname is not specified, the application will look for a profile in the \Profile folder, for a playlist in the \Playlist folder, and for a scheduler list in the \Presets\Schedule folder. A playlist will be loaded into the Main list.

load text ZN:Name; filename|text

Load the text to the tab with a notebook.

ZN: - zone number (Z2, Z3)

Name - tab name

filename|text - path to the file from which the text should be loaded or the text itself


Example: load text "this is test" to NOTE0 tab in zone 2

load text Z2:NOTE0; this is test

getrandomplaylist Path

Load a random playlist from the folder specified in Path.


getrandomplaylist d:\music\playlists

clearplaylist [up|down]

Clear the playlist. If up modified is specified, will only remove the tracks above the currently playing track. If down modified is specified, will only remove the tracks below the currently playing track.


Restart the system


Shut down the system and turn off the power



connect — connect to the broadcasting server. If no parameters are specified, the application will connect to all servers specified in the settings. You can use a value from 1 to N as a parameter for connecting to a specific server. Multiple servers can be specified, comma separated e.g. connect 1,3,5.

disconnect — disconnect from the server. The parameters are the same as for connect.

scheduler on

scheduler off [timeout]

Temporarily turns on/off the scheduler. These commands are useful for live shows.

scheduler off — suspend the scheduler. No events will be started except for ones with the “scheduler on” command. Optionally, a timeout in minutes can be specified to re-enable the scheduler, e.g. scheduler off 15 - suspend the scheduler for 15 minutes.


scheduler on — turn the scheduler on from the suspended state. This command works only if the scheduler was turned off using the “scheduler off” command. It doesn’t work if the scheduler was turned off manually by unchecking the “On” check box.


scheduler on also turns off the Manual option.

streamarchive on|off

streamarchive FILENAME


Turn on/off the Stream Archive feature

(menu: Tools -> Stream Archive)


streamarchive on - turn on Stream Archive.


streamarchive off - turn off recording, including the second instance (see below)


Start recording and save to the specified file name:

streamarchive D:\myshow.mp3


Start recording and save to the file, limit record duration to 3600 seconds:

streamarchive 3600 D:\myshow.mp3


When a file name is specified, recording is performed in a second Stream Archive instance - recording in the Stream Archive window is unaffected. If recording duration is not specified, the recording can be stopped with the streamarchive off command, or by pushing the Stop button in the Stream Archive window. If another recording is started with the file name specified, it will stop the current recording being performed in the second Stream Archive instance.

makelibrary LibraryName|Dir1|Dir2|...

makelibrary <options> LibraryName|Dir1|Dir2|...

Create or update a music library. Command parameters are separated with the | character.


The first parameter sets music library name. The second and following parameters are the folders to scan (including subfolders). Instead of path you can specify playlist, music library file or a single music track. When a folder or a playlist is specified, the library will be rebuilt only with tracks from specified folders/playlists. When a single file is specified, it is added to the library.


Example: Create a music library file named music, and add tracks from the “C:\Music” folder.

makelibrary music|C:\Music


Example: Same as above, but adds tracks from the “C:\Music” and “D:\MoreMusic” folders:

makelibrary music|C:\Music|D:\MoreMusic


Example: Using playlist as source

makelibrary music|C:\playlist.m3u8


Options specify additional processing options: scan for silence, BPM, normalize tracks. It is recommended to create command with options using the Tools->Schedule library update menu in Music Library.


Example: normalize tracks with -9.0 LUFS target; trim silence; scan for mix point at -14 dB; detect BPM; detect Mix Start point at -4 dB. Skip tracks that already scanned.

makelibrary <normalize:-9.0;skip|silence:skip|mixpoint:-14.0;skip|bpm:skip|mixstart:-4.0;skip> music|C:\Music


Example: normalize tracks with -9.0 LUFS target, skip tracks with level tag set

makelibrary <normalize:-9.0;skip> music|C:\Music


Example: normalize tracks with -9.0 LUFS target; trim silence; scan for mix point at -14 dB; detect BPM. Re-scan tracks where values are set (no skip modifier)

makelibrary <normalize:-9.0|silence|mixpoint:-14.0|bpm> music|C:\Music


Example: same as above, but also assign NEW and TEST tags to the tracks

makelibrary <normalize:-9.0|silence|mixpoint:-14.0|bpm|tags:NEW;TEST> music|C:\Music


Example: same as above, but  assign NEW and TEST tags to the tracks only if they don't have any tags

makelibrary <normalize:-9.0|silence|mixpoint:-14.0|bpm|tags_new:NEW;TEST> music|C:\Music


adsupdate -skipevents

Update advertisement events and playlists. Executing this command will produce the same result as clicking the “Create playlists and event” button in Ads Scheduler.


If -skipevents modifier is present, the command will not export or update events in RadioBOSS, only playlists will be updated.


Update advertisement events and playlists on remote RadioBOSS installation.

createbackup FileName

Create a backup of application settings and events, saving it to the specified file. If SQLite database is used, its backup is also created.



createbackup C:\RB_backup.7z

createbackup C:\RB_Backup_?yyyy-?mm-?dd.7z

In the second example, a substitution macro is used.



Add tracks from a folder to the playlist. If path ends with "/" then tracks will be added in random order, otherwise tracks will be added in alphabetic order



D:\Music or D:\Music\ - add tracks from D:\Music folder in an alphabetic order

D:\Music/ - add tracks from D:\Music folder in random order

download [podcast|podcast_today] URL FILENAME

Downloads a file from the URL and saves it as FILENAME

To trigger a specific URL (e.g. to send a notification), without saving any file, omit the FILENAME parameter.

If a podcast keyword is specified, the URL has to specify the podcast address and RadioBOSS will select the newest podcast from the feed and download it.

podcast_today works the same as podcast keyword except that it will only download today's podcast (no file will be downloaded in case there's no stream for today)

When downloading from FTP, RadioBOSS will use Passive mode if username and password are specified in the URL, otherwise Active mode is used.



download D:\savedfile.ext


Example: download podcast (will download the newest podcast from the feed)

download podcast D:\podcast.mp3


Example: download podcast (will download the today's podcast from the feed)

download podcast_today D:\podcast.mp3


Example: download file specifying username and password for authorization

download D:\savedfile.ext


Example: call script at specified URL but do not save anything


fadeout time_ms

Fade out the playlist playback in time_ms milliseconds. Example: fadeout 500

set com(1-9) (dtr|txd)

clr com(1-9) (dtr|txd)

Set/clear the value at the com-port out; out can be either dtr (pin 4) or txd (pin 3). For example:

set com1 dtr — set high dtr com1 level;

clr com2 txd — clear (set low level) at txd com2 out. Low com-port level corresponds to –12V and high level to +12V.

send COMX text

Send string text to COM-port COMX.

COMX - COM port name, e.g. COM1

text - text to send

set OPTION [on|off]


Enable/disable OPTION.


set OPTION on - enable (turn on) OPTION.

set OPTION off - disable (turn off) OPTION.


Example: set shuffle on - enable shuffle mode; set shuffle off - disable shuffle


OPTION can be one of the following:

shuffle - shuffle (random playback)

repeat_track - repeat track option

repeat_list - repeat playlist option

break - stop after current track

autoamp - automatic volume control (AutoAmp)

http_request - HTTP request

manual - scheduler Manual mode

autointro - Auto Intro

api - remote control API

timestretch - Time Stretch


The set command can also be used to set a variable value %showname:

set %showname=TEXT


The variable value %showname can be used in the HTTP request.

setencodersource SRC

Change the sound source for broadcasting encoders.


Possible SRC values:

0 - Audio mix

1 - Input 1

2 - Input 2

3 - Input 3


For more information about encoder sources please refer to this page: Broadcasting Internet radio



setencodersource 0

setcasttitle TITLE

Update streaming title.



setcasttitle My Show

silencedetector on

silencedetector off 

Turn on and turn off the silence detector

silencedetector on – enable

silencedetector off – disable


This command can also be used for changing these parameters:

silencedetector timeout N - change silence detector timeout (in seconds)

silencedetector playlist FILENAME - change the name of the playlist opened upon silence detection.

getfile C:\path_to_folder /random|/newest|/oldest|/first


This command adds one file from the specified folder to the playlist. It can select the oldest or newest file (by the adding date), or a random file. The command selects music files and playlist files.



getfile C:\path_to_folder [/random|/newest|/oldest] [/delete]


If a folder path contains spaces, it must be surrounded by quotes.


/random - select a random track

/newest - select newest track

/oldest - select oldest track

/first - alphabetically sorts the file list and selects the first file


/delete - delete the file after playback

/move=path - move the file to the folder "path" after playback; if the path contains spaces, the parameter must be enclosed in quotes: "/move=C:\path with spaces".


Example: Play one file from the ads folder, and then delete that file from disk:

getfile C:\announcements /newest /delete


If you prefer to keep the file after playback, omit the delete parameter.


playrequestedsong N

To automatically play the requested songs, use the playrequestedsong command.


Optionally, you can specify a minimum time interval (in minutes) to delay song request playback: some music licensing authorities require a delay before the requested song can be played. Example: playrequestedsong 30 - delay requested song playback for at least 30 minutes. The scheduled event with the playrequestedsong command should be set up to repeat, e.g. every 10 minutes during the time period when you want to accept song requests.


See also: Remote Control API song request actions: songrequest, songrequestclear

weather city, country

Update weather data: Automatic weather announcement


Example: weather New York, US

setdtmfsource 1|2|3|URL

Set DTMF detector source.

1 - Input 1

2 - Input 2

3 - Input 3

URL - specify network stream URL


Example: setdtmfsource


Stops all playing "overlay playback" events

enablegroup GROUP

disablegroup GROUP

Enable (enablegroup) or disable (disablegroup) a group of events.


GROUP - event group name to enable/disable. Multiple groups can be specified, comma separated, e.g. enablegroup Group 1, Group 2

enableevent EVENTNAME

disableevent EVENTNAME

Enable (enableevent) or disable (disableevent) an event.


EVENTNAME - event name


enableevent MyShow


Run an event by its name or identifier.


runevent MyShow - run an event using its name

runevent MMHDBYQSNUEF - run an event using its identifier



Enable or disable Voiceovers.

autointro [disable|enable] rule1, rule2, ...

Enable or disable Auto Intro rules. Rules names are not case sensitive.


Example: disable rules Morning and Day

autointro disable Morning, Day


Example: enable Artist rule

autointro enable Artist

eqpreset NAME

Change equalizer preset.


Example: change current preset to "Rock"

eqpreset Rock

dsp enable|disable [index]

Enable or disable DSP



dsp enable - enable all DSPs

dsp enable 1 - enable DSP #1 in the list

dsp disable 1 - disable DSP #1 in the list

playlist TABNAME

Change active playlist tab. When used inside "Multiple actions" in the scheduled event, this command is always executed first, regardless of its position in the actions list.


Example: change active playlist tab to tab named "Main"

playlist Main

relaystart 1|2|3|URL

Start relaying.


1 - Input 1

2 - Input 2

3 - Input 3

URL - specify network stream URL


Example: relay network stream



Example: relay line input 1

relaystart 1


Stop relaying.


Reset the "played track" status for tracks in the playlist window.

renderplaylist Format|Samplerate|Channels|Bitrate|FILENAME

Render playlist to a file.



Format - mp3, ogg, aac, flac, opus

Samplerate - sample rate value (e.g. 44100)

Channels - 1 (mono) or 2 (stereo).

Bitrate - bitrate for encoding, kbps.

Filename - file name (full path)



renderplaylist mp3|44100|2|128|D:\myshow.mp3

songrequestclear [maxage]

Clear the list of requested songs. You can specify the maximum “age” of requests (in hours) to be deleted, for example:

songrequestclear 4 - delete requests made more than 4 hours ago.


Without specifying the parameter, all requests will be deleted

songrequestclear - delete all song requests



See also


Remote Control API